Just a couple updates for today...first off, in my last angry political rant, I commented on how the Bush administration had not yet found a scapegoat for their lies regarding the war in Iraq. It seems that my prediction that they would do so was right on. The story on how CIA director George Tenet has been set up to take the fall for this massive blunder of the Bush administration can be found here.
The most interesting part about this story is that Bush still "stands by" Tenet and the CIA. So not only is the Bush administration hoping that we will be content with a scapegoat, they are hoping to not even have anyone really stand responsible, or have to answer for anything. The Bush administration must really think the American people to be stupid...I guess pretty soon we'll see if they're right.
Secondly, check out the new "Person of the Week," which can be found to your left. You can click on the person's name, and you will be led to more information about that person or their achievements. Hopefully you figured that out, though, when Einstein was still hanging around over there. Also note that in calling that section "Person of the Week," by week I mean however long it takes me to decide I should put a different person up. Just so you're aware...that's what week means from now on. Don't like it? Too bad.
I'm aware that I'm slacking on the blogs lately a little...but hopefully you will all forgive me when I revolutionize our world...if you're into that kind of thing. Next up, some comedy!
Click it! Come on...dont' just sit there...click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Damn you! Click. Click.
And Odhav's guide to happiness for the day --
If you see someone who's in the KKK, shoot 'em!
If someone cuts you off in traffic, give them the bird with a smile.
Conformity is the disease that turns many human minds into one machine.
The lesson -- fight with all your strength for what is right, don't let stupid people ruin your life, and don't be a sheep.
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