Having been blinded by stupidity for the past 3 days or so, I just now realized that developing a revolutionary new economic system, political system, and economic structure that will make the world a better place is not reason to slack off and merely contribute to the world. I must be cynical and angry, and make fun of the world too...my apologies for this lapse in my normally good judgement. Todays rant...too easy to resist -- George W. Bush
Well, just when you think George II has taken blatant, dishonest stupidity so far that it cannot be taken any further, what does he do? Well, he takes it a little further. The White House just publicly recognized that a key argument for the war in Iraq, which was also part of Bush's State of the Union Address, having to do with Iraq allegedly trying to buy uranium from Niger, is completely false. This same "evidence" was cited by Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld on other occasions as a major factor in the decision for war. Things have not gotten so desperate as to resort to finger-pointing as of yet, but no doubt Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld will soon be unable to simply dismiss criticism as they have thus far, and there will be a sacrificial lamb...probably someone much further down on the food chain than those who really should be held responsible. No matter who they choose as a scapegoat, the underlying and important fact that has been verified yet again in this matter is the complete incompetence of the Bush administration. Let's just do a run-down of Bush's most significant failures as President since 9-11:
The "USA Patriot Act", the act that contains violations of more than 4 amendments from the Bill of Rights, is signed into law after being pushed quickly through Congress by the Republican majority and strong pressure from President Bush. (Please note that this Bill recieved strong bipartisan support, showing the worthlessness of both political parties. Also noteworthy is the fact that the ~250 page bill was passed in less time than it would realistically take for the representatives to thoroughly read the bill.)
Osama bin Laden is not captured in Afghanistan.
President Bush alleges the possession of massive quantities of WMD's by Saddam Hussein. To date, no WMD's have been found in Iraq.
President Bush launches a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq, the first such invasion in United States history. This invasion violates the U.N. Charter, and goes against hundreds of years of international diplomacy, setting a precedent for pre-emptive attack of any nation that is deemed a "threat" by the attacking nation.
Saddam Hussein is not captured or killed in the invasion of Iraq.
George Bush, a "republican", sets a ridiculously high (~22% larger than Clinton's) budget, as well as a record deficit.
U.S. soldiers continue to be killed in Iraq, an estimated $3.9 billion per month of our federal budget goes towards Iraqi "reconstuction." Of the 160,000+ soldiers in Iraq, Rumsfeld says that very few if any will be coming home in the "forseeable future."
U.S. soldiers remain scattered in Afghanistan, attempting to keep the peace and root out al Qaeda.
al Qaeda remains as strong as ever, launching attacks in Saudi Arabia and Morocco.
Regarding the guerilla attacks that have resulted in as many American deaths since the "end" of military operations in Iraq as before, President Bush says "Bring 'em on."
President Bush's claim that Iraq attempted to purchase uranium from Niger is proven to be completely false, and based on forged documents.
Of the reaons for the war with Iraq cited by the Bush administration, only one justification -- the least legitimate -- the argument for the "liberation" of the people of Iraq, remains valid, although its correctness is called into question by widespread protests in Iraq against U.S. occupation.
...actually the list goes on and on, but it's getting late and I'm getting tired.
Just so this doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth if you're a "Republican" (real republicans should know by now that Bush isn't a real republican) or the Bush-loving type, check out this link...it should be very informative for the left and right alike.
Partisan Hokey-Pokey
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