I would like to announce that I will now be dedicating a great deal of my time to the formal presentation (it is already completely developed) of a new economic and political structure, which I hope will one day come to be the dominant system in our nation, if not the world. The system is called Free Equitism. As implied by its name, it is based upon the concepts of freedom and equality. At its root it is an attempt to fully realize the ideals that our nation was founded upon, such as equality and freedom. It is very similar to our current system; concurrently it is a totally new and revolutionary system. It is a system made to actualize the potentialities of democracy, thus creating a truly free society in which no one group dominates another, and in which no citizen is born into the prison of poverty. In this system, the government will not claim a third or more of the citizen's hard-earned money, as our current government does. Likewise, the stagnant, cancerous, and corrupt political structures of our nation will be purged, and once more embody the ideals intended by the founding fathers. Although Free Equitism has the same base principles as those found in our consititution, it is also progressive and introduces very fundamental changes in our social and economic structures. Free Equitism recognizes the basic flaws in our political and social systems, and fixes them in order to bring about a more free and prosperous society. I have told you what Free Equitism will bring to the world...now you must wait for it to arrive, and for it to revolutionize life as we know it.
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