The life and times of a man on the edge... of insanity... of breakthrough... of enlightenment... of failure... This is ODHAV BLOG

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

If you recall articles 10 (Things that make me want to buy a gun and use it regularly for the good of humanity) and 12 (People I hate) of my posting regarding possible future topics, you will find that this posting is a very close derivation of that line of thinking.

Things and People I Hate
The Abundant Stupidity of Mankind

1. Alanis Morissette - "Isn't it ironic" that someone could launch a singing career with the repeated misuse of a word?
In case you have questions about this...I direct you here and here. And finally for the really slow among us: Here ...if you still don't understand why Alanis should hop on the first short bus back to Canada or Oregon or wherever she learned that strange and disturbing form of incoherent english.
Basically she's an idiot, and doesn't deserve the money she made from that song.
2. Rosie O'Donnell - Not that this needs and explanation, but she's ridiculously annoying, stupid, obnoxiously chubby (like 2/3 of our degeneratingly great country), not funny at all, and she has (or had, I don't know if it's still on the air) a boring boring daytime talk show that at one point involved nerf guns ....enough said.
3. Reality Shows - Anyone who watches and enjoys reality shows leads an obscenely sad and misguided life. If you enjoy watching people eat scorpions, cheat on each other, cry, hug incessantly, and generally display their stupidity to the world through various disturbing stunts and manipulations, I suggest you buy a gun with one bullet, and use it for the good of humanity - or just pull your head out of your ass and do something with your life. I mean, even watching sitcoms is better than reality TV; when you're watching something that is sub-sitcom, you've really hit rock bottom.
4. American Idol - I know it's a reality TV show, but it deserves a special rant. Let's see...pop music isn't manufactured and artificial enough, so let's have a show where we harass and belittle people for their efforts, make them cry, crush their dreams, and then ultimately end up with some random abercrombie wearing pretty-boy or mindless sex symbol 18 year-old girl to sing songs that they didn't write, which we can then market to make money, even though people know that the singer is completely manufactured and has no creative ability. Congratulations for having a good voice, why don't you do something with it besides feed the beastly music labels who have destroyed art and replaced it with canned sugar-pop BS capitalism? And as for the judges, I think they are without question the most worthless human beings in history...a man must be very clever and talented to make teenagers cry all day and act like he knows what music is. Please, someone hand me a gun, now!
5. I don't even think it's out yet, but "American Juniors," the sequel to American Idol, will feature children between the ages of 8 and 13, or something like that. Great. Now the sick sick greedy evil record labels get to pervert and destroy childrens' lives, as if it wasn't bad enough when they were over 13. Let's destroy hundreds of children's ambitions, and then we can manipulate and exploit the one that wins, and turn him/her into a famous-for-no-reason one hit wonder soon to be has-been that will propagate our sick version of "music," do what we say, and eventually sink deep into depression and start doing heroin at the age of 15.
6. People between the ages of 12 and 19 (with a few exceptions) - Any demographic that is characterized by its ability to imbibe unbelieveable amounts of consumer garbage, wear the clothes they're told to, eat what they're told to, buy what they're told to, and conform to every single tiny detail of what they see on TV, and still think they're "rebellious" should be immediately destroyed. Let's take my mom's hand-me-down front wheel drive Honda Civic, put a coffee can on the exhaust, a wing on the trunk that weighs more than the car, some euro lights, and a massive sticker with the name of the car on the windshield, and we'll be more rebellious than anyone else. Seriously, driving crappy cars fast is new and cool. Or even worse, let's just ask our parents for a huge truck that we can cover with massive spotlights and metal tubing, drive around almost killing everyone, and feel good about ourselves because we're spoiled and our parents give us whatever we want because they feel guilty about being incompetent and worthless.
7. MTV - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! "Music" television? Where's the music? All I see are dating games featuring stupid abercrombie boys and bimbos trying to impress each other, and then insulting each other, after having given up on trying to sleep together. Which is stronger, my ego or my animal sex drive? I don't know....umm..... I'll get back to you. Don't forget our heroes the "VJ's" they're not DJ's, they're Video Jockeys. Let's just call them walking stereotypical fad-boards. I mean after all, they're put there not only to do the easiest thing in the world and get paid for it, but also to show all the non-thinking trend-zombies out there exactly how to look and talk and act. "Be cool." Be like Carson. Or was that "be a tool?" MTV should be promptly firebombed, then urinated on so that innocent bystanders aren't harmed.
8. The rest of TV except for "The Daily Show" - this is more of an inclusion by omission. There's just nothing to like about the rest of TV, so it's included in the hate list. There's nothing new or different or of value...simple enough. This should be destroyed as well...then maybe people would do something worth-while. In fact, if we destroyed TV, there would be no reality shows, no Rosie O'Donnell...I'm getting a little too excited here.
Until next time. Same blog time, same blog website.


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