The life and times of a man on the edge... of insanity... of breakthrough... of enlightenment... of failure... This is ODHAV BLOG

Friday, June 06, 2003

I thought I would take this chance, whilst the unsuspecting remain vulnerable, to touch on my theory of the causes of the decay of western society. And of course, in true blogging style, this will not be well organized or necessarily coherent. I do guarantee, though, that it will be sufficiently persuasive. And off we go...
Western society peaked circa the year 1860. I won't explain why, because this is very self-evident. If you do not agree, you should learn to read, and then come back and tell me you agree. (teeheehee) I will, however, explain those factors that have worked to dismantle those central figures of our society that once made it great (it is no longer great, or even necessarily good). The first factor that contributed to the demise of all that is true and good in our world is the darker side of our friend democracy. Another is the darker side of our friend capitalism. And the third, and most virulent cause of our impending demise, is the fundamental and inescapable ineptitude of the average human being. Let's start with our friend democracy.
Democracy, while the most fair form of government, does sadly subject those intelligent and responsible members of society to the paranoia and stupidity of the masses. This is manifest in many different ways, but the basic end result is that laws are made for the lowest common denominator...and we all must play by rules made to keep the stupid and irresponsible in line. But this aspect is rather harmless; the dark side of democracy shows when the masses are unknowingly brainwashed, and made to view the world in a way that is well detached from reality. Then, the masses not only make their normal paranoid and stupid decisions, they also make decisions that are formed directly by that which the media and government wish to present as fact. Whether or not what is told, is fact, is of no concern. Information is a means to and end -- it is a cause to achieve the desired result out of the American population. So therefore in our world of paranoid, non-thinking, and lazy citizens, there is really no attachment between fact and democratic will. The will of the people is determined by whoever has the most money that they are willing to spend on advertisement and news and so on. So, democracy, the great invincible giant and champion of freedom, becomes yet another slave to the wealthy and to the powers that be (often the same thing).
Next up, capitalism! Capitalism, once the great bestower of gifts, and the most effective economic system in history, has now become for some an obsession, in a sense the very meaning of life, and for others, merely a giant distraction -- a huge Snoopy-shaped balloon at which our nation can stare in amazement, denying and ignoring that which truly matters. There is no need for the modern American to really know what they NEED, or even what they WANT. Advertisers will do that for you. Of course, none of us would ever admit to being guilty of being duped by advertising. Everything we have ever bought, we still use, and we are glad we purchased it. Riiiiiiiiight..... Actually, consumerism has become the perfect compliment to the abused bastard child we call democracy in our country. It provides the perfect agent with which the citizen's mind is formed into a unresisting gelatinous mass -- one not bothered by logic or reality, one eager to imbibe the untruths and fantasies of our culture. Simply put, capitalism has become, through rabid mindless consumerism, the drug that puts everyone's mind to sleep so that those few with power can mold popular sentiment, and thus democratic law, to their desires.
And finally and most simply, the ineptitude of the common man. It is not necessary for any sort of epiphany to occur in order for this fact to be readily evident. That which makes the bastardization of capitalism and democracy possible is very simple. It is the fact that most people are happy with being fat and having the creature comforts we have all grown too attached to. No one really cares for the truth...people care for that which makes them the most money that can be transformed into the multitudinous pleasures presented by our monstrosity of a capitalist system. Whatever feels best, whatever allows mankind to slip deeper into his barcalounger of mediocrity, is unquestionable truth. This is only human nature. To be lazy, to seek pleasure before truth -- these are the cardinal instincts of humanity. And so we have no one to blame but ourselves for this hole we are living in, like pigs, content in our own waste, content to bask in the cool comfort of societal defecation.
Don't worry, there is hope for the world, but that, my friends, is another blog....another blog entirely.

----Just a note for the lesser minds among us: If any of this seems far-fetched to you, I urge you to look honestly at your life, and at the lives of those around you, and ask yourself where reality intersects what your life is and what you wish for. I believe that if we all do this, we will find that the truth is very uncomfortable, but very powerful.
....And if you still don't agree with me, take it on blind faith, because I AM ODHAV AND THIS IS MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! muwhahahahahahaha!!
But seriously, think about it.


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