After a brief pause in the action here at ODHAVBLOG, I return to you with a thought experiment that came to me out of the blue the other day. I was wondering which of the great figures of history I would take with me to a deserted island, if I was charged with building a new society. Just so you readers can get an idea as to the influences that form the root of my psychosis... Here's the list, and brief explanations for some of the lesser known ones:
I give you the (Real) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Mohandas K. Gandhi - The most spiritually inspiring man in modern history.
V.I. Lenin - One of the strongest minds of history - a true revolutionary and man of principle.
Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Benedict de Spinoza - the best philosopher in history (in my humble opinion)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Hermann Hesse - German writer and literary genius extraordinaire.
Martin Luther King Jr. - yet another true freedom fighter and revolutionary
John Locke - my political guru, along with Lenin (oh, the irony)
Albert Einstein - for obvious reasons
Friedrich Nietzsche
Tenzin Gyatso (the 14th and current Dalai Lama) - top notch self-denying spiritual inspiration
Pope John Paul II - to duke it out with the D.L.
Jack Kerouac - great author from when America was great
Erwin Schroedinger - physicist and quantum mechanical genius
Well that's a start...we'll see what else I can come up with to add on, but I think my society would be far better than anything else anyone else can come up with, because I'm the best! Ever! Actually, I do suggest that you try out this experiment, because of the clarity it brings about your influences and how they have formed your view of the world. One final note: please notice that very few of these extraordinary figures are from very recently or the present. This is not a coincidence. This is because the vast majority of those in our society today are half-wits and lazy corpses; they aim for nothing and achieve just that. Thus the need for Lenin, for King Jr. - we are in need of drastic change - we are in need of a revolution - to bring our society from wallowing in its filth. If only everyone would aspire to be one of the above figures, our world would be great indeed. Not perfect, but at least everyone would have purpose and motivation...we sure as hell wouldn't have American Idol or Temptation Island...I need to stop before I become sick. And in case you hadn't made the obvious deduction, everyone on the island would be superi-- I mean Indian. OF COURSE.
Until next time, remember: If you're not angry at our world, you're not paying attention.
Oh yes...I almost forgot...

--I am Morpheus--
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