The Thing About Police
Taxation is theft. When you are taxed, it is nothing more and nothing less than a group of people, who have decided that they will take money from you, forcefully taking your money from you. No matter how many people in society support that group's claim to your money, so long as you do not voluntarily consent to giving the money, it is theft. I am yet to hear anyone give a good reason why it is immoral for any person or group of people to steal from another person, except if the aggressor happens to be "the government." As if those words "the government" magically invert all meanings of right and wrong.
If everyone in your town cheered for the lowlife who ransacked your house and stole your property, would it be right? Of course not. If your town had a vote, which you could vote in, as to whether they should loot your house and leave you with nothing, would it be right to do if they all voted for it? Of course not. No governmental claim that their actions are morally right can withstand even the most basic logic challenge.
The reality is that taxes have nothing to do with rightness or consent of the governed or any other cloudy ideas sold to the masses to make them feel good about being robbed. The reality is that the government takes your money and my money because they can. Because they're stronger, and have more guns, and no one can stop them. The state is the institutional expression of the shunned, evil principle that might makes right. Only our deluded, indoctrinated minds hide the criminal nature of the state.
When the Mafia sets up an extortion operation in which they claim to provide "protection," the men who enforce the fees of this "protection" are rightly called thugs and criminals. And the Mafia does in fact protect you from everyone except themselves. This is exactly what the state does. The police -- the thug enforcers of the state -- protect you from anyone else, but if you fail to pony up the payments, you will meet with virtually unlimited violent force.
Instead of seeing police as what they are -- the mindless fighting dogs who rob us on behalf of politicians and bureaucrats -- we praise them for their "service" and "selflessness." They are mindless because they are dedicated not to justice or right, but to "the Law," whatever it may be, no matter how evil it may be. When Congress passes a law that is clearly evil and wrong, everyone curses Congress. Why doesn't anyone curse the police who make that law a reality? Without the police, the whims of the state would not be a burden on anyone.
Although they certainly deny the reality of what they do -- they are just as well indoctrinated as you and I -- through years of aggression and constant battle with "criminals" more often than not the power goes to the heads of the police. And so you have corruption and beating and police who think they are above the law.
This is not to say that all police are subhuman or evil. I have met many very good men who were police officers. What this is to say is that what they do is undeniably evil, yet they do not realize it.
The worst part of it all is that at any second these police, who hold the Law higher than any friendship, would turn on anyone for any victimless activity that the state frowns upon. And so every day, police busy themselves with the work of ruining lives, the lives of nonviolent, good people who don't want to give 40 percent of their hard-earned wages to the state, people who take some substance those in Washington have deemed unacceptable. Of course they also do good, since they are also charged with preventing real crime, like theft and assault and rape and murder. But irony abounds, since at any minute these men would gladly assault and imprison you if you stand up against their thievery, or swallow a pill, or inhale some smoke, or cross a street at the wrong spot, or do anything not within the limits of acceptable behavior that are imposed on us.
Of course we cannot live our lives in constant fear and resentment, so we move on and hope that we are not victimized by these armed thugs of the state. Most of the time you need not even think of them. They are not all that bad for most people, and that is why we accept the situation as it is. Things are not that bad, we say. We forget about the couple hundred or thousand or tens of thousands of dollars that could have educated our children, cured our illnesses, and made our lives better. We forget about all the people wasting away in prison for possessing a dried plant or for not filling out this-or-that form correctly. Although we turn our backs on the people who are wronged by the violence of the state -- those who are hurt, imprisoned, terrorized, and even killed, our blindness and acceptance does not make anything right.
To me, at least, this is clearly evil.
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