The life and times of a man on the edge... of insanity... of breakthrough... of enlightenment... of failure... This is ODHAV BLOG

Thursday, September 15, 2005

In case you haven't heard, a federal judge has declared the plege of allegiance unconstitutional. Most people are up in arms because the decision resulted from the inclusion of the words "under God" in the pledge. What never seemed to cross people's minds, however, is how sick and evil it is to make children into little government-loving zombies, forcing them to recite this prayer to the state. Since when does the government have the right to make people swear allegiance to idols? Maybe in 1960's Maoist China this kind of thing is legit, but here in our "free country", children should be able to (and can) burn the flag if it suits them, not be forced to praise it like a god. Even patriotic Americans should see that patriotism is not something to be forced and indoctrinated into children like the love of Chairman Mao, but rather something that people should come by naturally as they experience the benefits of living in a free society. The necessity of such a pledge comes from the fact that our society is really no longer a free society, and thus people must be brainwashed by this kind of repetitive propaganda, lest they realize that our country has been in a downward spiral for quite a while. It is very interesting to see the history of the pledge, and how it became more and more important as people lost more of their freedoms and independence. Good riddance to the pledge of allegiance. If only all mindless garbage like it could be washed away too... But then again, some people might miss Fox News.


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