Police are worthless (and dangerous), our courts are worthless (and completely retarded), and we should get rid of both of them.
I'm sure everyone has had a suspicion that our courts were completely ridiculous since fat people started suing McDonald's for selling fatty food, and winning. It seems, however, that these absurdities are nowhere near the most terrible acts our wonderful government has perpetrated. Enjoy these articles, and next time you see a cop, lawyer, judge, or any other government official, hit them in the kneecaps with a bat.
Police Are Criminals, Liars, and Cowards
Abusive Cops
More Abusive Cops
We Would All Be Better Off Without Cops
Our Federal Government Is a Terrorist Organization
Here's the meat of the articles (although I strongly suggest you read them in their entirety):
Police think that they are above the law: In one case, the Times wrote that a "deputy caught in a ‘romantic relationship with a 17-year-old Explorer Scout’ was suspended for 15 days."
Police are murderers: According to a retired California police officer, 11% of killings by policemen are found to be wrongful, while only 2% of killings by the general population are found to be so.
There's much more as well... read the articles.
None of this should be surprising. All government services are inefficient at best, and criminal at worst. This is because the government has absolutely no incentive to do things properly. They extract their revenues from the public under threat of violence (you get thrown in jail or killed for resisting if you refuse to pay your taxes), and they stand to gain nothing from being reasonable, kind, or fair human beings. Police are guaranteed their salaries so long as they are not too extremely oppressive or crooked so as to be fired, however this is hard to do.
Imagine you worked in a department store that made the same amount of profit no matter what its employees did (as is the case with all government services). Would you be surprised if nothing was ever in stock or if the employees were discourteous to customers? These inconveniences of a badly run department store are nothing compared to the atrocities committed by our armed policemen on a perpetual power trip.
Keep in mind that not all police abuse their power and do more harm than good, however the institution of public law enforcement as a whole has caused more than enough death, pain, and suffering to be completely abandoned. The only exceptions to these trends of abuse are those police who seek to enforce only logically sound libertarian principles that actually protect individuals and their freedom. These police, however, are few and far between.
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