I stumbled upon a very interesting website called the Political Compass, which uses a 2-dimensional Cartesian system for rating political leanings, with social policy along the y-axis and economic tendency along the x-axis. The site also gave a couple example graphs, showing the results of an analysis of what historical figures' ratings would be...
My rating on the test fell slight-left/centrist on the economic axis, and solidly libertarian, at the coordinates:
(Keep in mind that the ratings range from -10 to 10 on the x and y axes.)
Economic Left/Right: -2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26

Which, as you can see from the graphs, lies right in the neighborhood of (though slightly right of) Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, and most probably a number of other Nobel Peace Prize laureates. Not bad company. Also interesting to note are the following:
My political beliefs are further removed from all listed dictators than any listed global leader.
George Bush's ranking falls approximately 2 times closer to that of Hitler than mine.
Israeli leader Ariel Sharon (a close ally of the US) lies closest to Hitler of all listed world leaders.
My only surprise was that I ranked even slightly left economically, although 2.38 out of 10 does not indicate a serious tendency towards economic liberalism. But for the most part, taking the quiz simply reinforced my self-image as a "compassionate" libertarian-centrist in the company of Nobel laureates.
Another aspect of my political tastes that was explained by the test was how my initial support of Bush (in 2000) was slowly transformed into a rather strong dislike. Upon being elected, in my opinion Bush seemed to fall into the 2nd quadrant (the libertarian-right quadrant), however his foreign and domestic policies since 9/11 have shown him to be as solidly authoritarian as I am libertarian. Because of this, his views are now very close to being diametrically opposed to my own. Furthermore, my personal tastes count y-axis (social) deviations as more important than x-axis (economic) differences because I believe there is a large degree of uncertainty as to the relative effectiveness of economically liberal and conservative approaches to government. On the other hand, I do not believe there to be any uncertainty in comparing authoritarian and libertarian systems. In short, a free society is made by its social policies, and a prosperous society is made by its economic policies. I believe that freedom is significantly more important than prosperity.
Note that our nation was founded as a strongly right-libertarian (2nd quadrant) nation, and hundreds of years of government have slowly eroded our freedoms to the point where our nation scarcely resembles the free America intended by our Constitution. Assuming the general standing of the nation is characterized by that of the president, my unhappiness with the current situation of our nation can generally be explained as (and estimated by) the distance between the point (0,-7), which I believe to be ideal for the leader of our nation, and George Bush's rating at approximately (8,5.5).
This distance is currently 14.84, on a scale from 0 to 28.28 (28.28 being the maximum distance between ideologies on the scale). Standardizing this measure as a percentage indicates that I am currently 52.47% dissatisfied with the state of our nation. Using my personal rating of (-2.38,-4.26) as a reference point, I would be 50.38% dissatisfied with President Bush and our nation. Using this optimistic scale, I am disgusted by about 1/2 of everything our nation's leaders do.
My tendency to care more about y-axis discrepancies can be modelled by the fact that I am roughly twice as concerned with preservation of freedom than with economic policy. Factoring this in, I am 58.69% dissatisfied, meaning nearly 3/5 of everything President Bush does makes me want to vomit.
I hope this was helpful in explaining my political angst and constant need to be sarcastic and hateful when discussing political matters. Until next time...
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