I recently came across a short paper I wrote nearly a year ago, in which I propose a method of affecting social change through a system of vigorous personal and social rebellion which I call "Active Resistance." In our nation's current state of affairs, I believe that this form of 21st Century revolutionary activism is more important than ever. The original paper is separated into 3 short segments and is found below -
21st Century Revolutionary Socio-Political Activism
Today in America, the wealthiest 1% of the population control over 40% of assets. America's middle classes are shrinking as a growing number of Americans live at or near the poverty line. While the hard-working individual provides 86% of federal tax revenues, wealthy corporations contribute less than 11%. The wealthy, political elite, both liberal and conservative, have undermined the economic equality that once characterized America as a prosperous, free nation.
The rich have become more and more rich, while the poor have become poorer. The middle classes have slumped while elitist coffers were filled and lower classes bulged with over-worked, underpaid Americans. The average wage of Americans has fallen drastically since the 1950's. Today, most families cannot survive without two working adults.
What is needed to reverse these trends of decline, of decadence, and of exploitation, is change. Drastic and immediate change. Revolution.
This change will not be brought about by pundits, cynics, or politicians. It will rise up from the people themselves. It will not result from a change in political policy, or the victory of one elitist political party over another.
What is necessary for change, for progress, is for the people themselves to rise up and cast off the parasites of society, those who would horde wealth while the people suffer.
Now is the time for the people of our great nation to rise up and give new life to the American dream of freedom and equality.
This change will not be brought about by organized protest, by picketing, or by the empty existant means of political contribution. Neither will this change be brought about by violence or by unjust assault on the innocent. It will be brought about by aggressive civil disobedience, by active insurgence of the masses, by noncompliance, and by the progressive restructuring of society through living democracy.
Tactics important to this include civil disobedience, active insurgence and insubordination by the masses, as well as many other methods that introduce societal volatility in order to cast aside that which might stand in the way of progress. These methods are very different from violence. Violent revolution is a thing of the past. In the 21st century, volatility replaces violence. Economic stagnation and injustice must be fought with insurgence, with disruption. Political noncompliance destroys legitimacy of government. Disobedience counteracts disinformation. The 21st century is the century of hyperinformation, of the projection of society as its own mirror. Information, opinion, conjecture, and speculation have taken life, becoming forces in and of themselves. In order for society to move forward, it is only necessary for the suggestion of progress to gain sufficient momentum to breach the boundaries between idea and action. Socio-economic and political change are no longer brought about by physical violence, but by ideological violence, by the destabilization of our fragile system, and by restructuring through democratic, involved processes.
Methodology of Active Resistance
The institutions of our country have been thoroughly infiltrated and corrupted by elitism, anti-democracy, and anti-American practices that destroy freedom. These institutions have come to stand against freedom and equality. These institutions have also trivialized and incapacitated those structures meant to express the will of the people. As a direct result of these changes, normal means of political contribution, discourse, and progress have been attenuated and replaced by empty, spurious constructs that in reality do nothing to realize change. In order to continue the progression of society, it is necessary for a new means to become available by which the voice of the people in political change may be fortified and restored to that appropriate for a free, democratic nation. This means is active resistance.
Active resistance can be practiced in many different ways, the most important of which are noncompliance, civil disobedience, and active insurgence.
Simply put, noncompliance is refusal to participate in or support those groups and institutions that stand in the way of progress, destroy democracy, or otherwise are detrimental to progress and freedom.
Noncompliance means detaching oneself from the destructive elements of society, isolating those forces detrimental towards progress, and removing them by 'starvation' of sorts.
Civil disobedience is the organized, systematic violation of laws, social customs, or statutes with the intention of affecting societal change. Civil disobedience is most effective when practiced by large groups, and is only truly effective when practiced nonviolently. Civil disobedience works to accentuate and draw attention to unjust laws, practices, and customs. It simultaneously counteracts both the effectiveness and validity of the law through mass-scale revolt and practical mitigation.
Active insurgence is the most radical means of practicing active resistance. Active insurgence is the restructuring of society through active rebellion and organized destruction of anything which facilitates elitism and anti-democracy. It can include the physical destruction of that which aids anti-democratic institutions, or more effectively, subtle ideological violence, societal impulsion, and physical suppression of anti-democratic impellent agents. By the proper application of these principles, societal change can be introduced effectively and quickly. Progress can be made freely once the exercise of these principles has led to the destruction of anti-democratic forces and institutions in our nation.
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