Today I will lay out the reasons NOT to keep President Bush in office by voting for him in the upcoming election. This will be a straightforward presentation of facts. Obviously these facts are meant to prove a point, and come together to make an argument. The argument is an opinion, the facts are not. Take them or leave them, they're still facts. This argument is that George Bush, for the most part, is not an electable candidate for President.

Why not to vote for George W. Bush -- Facts
The War in Iraq -
George Bush went to war in Iraq (and Afghanistan) without a Declaration of War by Congress, violating Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution, which grants the Congress and Congress alone the power to declare war.
Weapons of Mass Destruction have not been found in Iraq. George Bush repeatedly emphasized that these WMD's were among the primary reasons for invasion of Iraq. George Bush also repeatedly assured the American people of their existence. Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, and George Bush, on many occasions went so far as to say that they knew specific locations of WMD sites in Iraq. All these allegations have turned out to be untrue and/or remain to be substantiated.
After failing to prove that Iraq posed a threat to the American people in any real or direct way (by failing to find WMD's), George Bush proceeded to spend over $97 billion on the war in Iraq alone, not counting other anti-terror costs or the war in Afghanistan.
The war in Iraq has cost more than 500 American soldiers' lives. This number has increased steadily since the war began, and American soldiers have seen no break in action, even after the glorious proclamation of "Mission Accomplished" and the apprehension of Saddam Hussein.
Estimates of the number of Iraqi civilians confirmed killed during the American invasion and occupation of Iraq range from 8,000 to 10,000 deaths.
Tuesday night [in his State of the Union Address], Bush actually talked about "building a nation" in Afghanistan (and later, "building a new Iraq"), using the exact words—"nation" and "building"—he used in the 2000 campaign to define what he thought America should not be doing in the world. (from "The State of Compassion")
The War in Afghanistan -
Although the war in Afghanistan itself was justified by the direct attack on America on 9/11, continued failure to apprehend Osama bin Laden, the man behind the actual attack, paired with the complete failure to weaken al Qaeda, has done little to protect the United States, and has only inflamed anti-American sentiment in the Middle East.
Domestic Incompetence -
George Bush has drawn criticism from the left and right alike regarding his out of control military spending, and for running the largest deficit in the history of the nation (even when adjusted for inflation). This kind of spending from a "conservative" candidate? While cutting taxes (primarily for the upper and middle-upper classes), Bush is running a projected $480 billion deficit, spending at twice the rate of former President Bill Clinton. This spending is the most in American history, even more than during the great depression's social programs -- and the American people are seeing social programs being cut. In addition, President Bush and his Republican congress have passed an appropriations bill with seemingly endless pork-barrel legislation, increasing spending an additional 4%.
Bush's tax cuts gave back only an average of $304 to the bottom 60% of Americans, while the direct effects of this cut made property taxes skyrocket, and accelerated the increase in state college tuition to $579/year nationwide. Bush's tax cut gave a phantom gift (~$300) to the people, and in reality only further shifted the tax burden onto the shoulders of the working American. The indirect effects of the cut cost the average American more than if there had been no cut in the first place. (link)
The Patriot Act and Total Information Awareness Act take major and threatening steps toward the constant surveillance and profiling of American citizens -- treating every citizen as a terrorist. These acts, which have been passed into law (pushed through by President Bush) allow surveillance of e-mails between American citizens and allow the government to access library records and credit card records of any American citizen. Other measures allow roving wiretaps without a warrant and other blatant violations of the privacy of American citizens. (Link)
I'm sure there are other gross violations of Constitutional provision, civil liberties, and common sense that have been perpetrated by President Bush that either have not come to my attention, or that I am forgetting.
But honestly, isn't this enough?
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