Just to mix it up, and to clarify that my dislike of Bush does not mean I like Democrats, I will today lay out exactly why, when all is said and done, the Democrats are about 99% unelectable. Today I present to you:
The Democratic Party: Why We Could Do Without Them
Followed by some links to interesting, non-partisan news stories.
Let me open with a quote that expresses what I dislike very much about many Democratic "activists." (taken from "BartCop")
"I would like to say that I will support anyone who garners the democratic nomination with my vote in november.
If by some bizarro world conniption fit Lieberman, or Howard Hughes' Famous urine collection or a stack of two by fours
get the nomination, i'm with Lieb-urine-or 2x4's. Any would be an improvement and bring more integrity to the office than the present occupant-though I might root for the latter 2 over the former if we had to wait for the third ballot."
This kind of whining, blindly partisan excrement should be forever banned from political discussion and participation. The Democratic party has become nothing but a badly organized, reactionary and extremist organization without principle or a solid stance on most issues. Many Democrats have maximized on "hot" issues such as the war in Iraq and Bush's tax cuts in order to win moderates to their side. Numerous organizations ("Move On" is one example) hide behind a front of reasonable non-partisan activism, but are in fact only concerned with the well-being of the Democratic party. Most of the Democratic candidates supported the war in Iraq until it became a potentially vote-winning issue, and then defined their position only so that it opposed that of President Bush. Let me lay out the Democratic platform:
Abortion is good.
War is bad, except for when it gets us votes to like war.
Let's fight terrorism by doing things differently from Bush. You know...differently. That other way. You know what we mean.
Bush is hurting the common man by taxing too much and spending too much. Like a Democrat.
Let's socialize healthcare, so we can be like Canada. But lets not call it socializing healthcare, and lets not talk too loudly about doing it.
So there we have it. The Democrats have a solid standing on 2 issues. One is abortion. The other is that Bush shouldn't be President. If you think a political party should be defined by 1 issue and their hatred of the President, you should vote for Howard Dean, or for John Kerry.
So Odhav, does that mean we should vote for President Bush? I honestly wish there was a Republican to vote for. Not to stray too long from the objective of denouncing the clown-like Democratic party, but do consider the following:
In August 2002, Cheney insisted: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction."
In a March 2003 address to the nation, Bush said: "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."
In April 2003, Ari Fleischer claimed: "But make no mistake--as I said earlier--we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about."
In February 2003, Powell said: "We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more."
Colin Powell flatly told the Security Council that Iraq was making prohibited arms with a ''conservative estimate'' of 100 to 500 tons of chemical weapons on hand.
Saturday, Colin Powell said to reporters: ''What was it? One hundred tons, 500 tons or zero tons?''
Colin Powell also said: "What is the open question is how many stocks they had, if any, and if they had any, where did they go. And if they didn't have any, then why wasn't that known beforehand?"
Friday, regarding WMD's in Iraq, U.S. Chief Weapons Hunter David Kay stated: "The weapons do not exist. What everyone was talking about is stockpiles produced after the end of the last (1991) Gulf War and I don't think there was a large-scale production program in the '90s. I don't think they existed."
This HUGE discrepancy between the reasoning for the war in Iraq and what is turning out to be the truth must be accounted for. These developments pose questions that the President must answer. President Clinton lied to the American people regarding his sexual life, and had to answer to the American people. Should George Bush not have to answer for this? It's a simple question of democratic government and accountability.
So, if the informed and moderate voter is unhappy with the Iraqi war/WMD liar antics of President Bush, where can they turn? Nowhere! I seriously doubt the Democrats would even be able to run the country. What's the solution? Bush should gracefully not run in the '04 election, and a moderate, intelligent, honest candidate like, oh, let's say Wesley Clark should join a real party, like the Republicans. In a perfect world, that would happen. In our world, we'll just have to see the Democrats get stupider, things get messier, lies get bigger, and wait for a new political party to emerge.
Some Links:
Conservatism vs. George W. Bush
David Kay Interview
Why Democrats are Worthless
Clark Did Not Change Stance On War