Pop the champagne! Earlier today, Bush accepted the withdrawl of Judgetard Harriet Miers!
Today, let us celebrate that we the people are at least capable of holding the President to very very low standards of competency from his appointees, even if we do not yet expect this level of competence from Bush himself. I was getting ready to post a little on how Harriet Miers writes like a high school student with a C average, but that now being unnecessary, I present you with... this.

A llama? A lost evolutionary stepping stone? Bush's next Supreme Court pick? You just wait and see.
P.S. I just realized that since Harriet Miers is gone, I guess that means most Republicans will go back to being mindless irrational partisan sycophants, and all criticism of Bush will cease as they get behind him in the coming indictments. Of course there are exceptions to this (some conservatives will realize that Bush is still a moron), but it is still unfortunate. I was starting to enjoy reading conservative blogs and websites where self-declared Republicans weren't deathly afraid of taking Bush off his pedestal and pointing out that he isn't a conservative at all. I guess it was too good to last.
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