The folks at National Review are at it again. While reading through their wonderful selection of statist propaganda and partisan hackery, I came across one of the most amazing things I have read in a major publication, certainly the most amazing of this year.
NR's crowd-favorite "Editor at Large" William F. Buckley, Jr., son of Republican ubermensch William F. Buckley, opened his sentiments regarding the elections in Iraq with a memory of Presidential Medal of Freedom winner General Vernon Walters, who he labeled admiringly as a "phenomenon."
WFB, as Buckley Junior is authoritatively abbreviated, related his astonishment when General Walters made a comment in passing that "no democratic government had ever initiated national aggression." Buckley, the towering intellect that he is, continues: "I was stunned by this statement, and as the exchange proceeded, attempted to run my skeptical memory over it. Surely it could not be so? But so — it is."
And so we have it from none other than the great William F. Buckley Jr. himself. This, after all, is why the war in Iraq is worth it. By installing a democratic government in Iraq, we are ensuring peace in the world. It all makes sense now. Doesn't it?
Journey with me, my friends, down the memory hole. Here we will seek uncover every manner of obscure military engagement throughout history in order to verify this claim. Certainly this is merely a task of verification -- the great minds at NR would not dare publish something that is -- gasp -- not true.
To investigate the distinguished WFB's claim, we must journey back in time to 1933. In the German elections of March 1933, the Nazi party gained 44 percent of the democratic vote, a plurality, and gained control of a majority of seats in the Reichstag. The party then democratically passed the Enabling Act, which put Hitler into his position of power. Ah, but this is all irrelevant, because this democratically elected Nazi government certainly never "initiated national aggression", did it? Of course not.
We should not be discouraged, however, for is it possible that we have ventured too far into the past in search of such a war. Let us look at the 20th of March, 2003 as 250,000+ American troops amassed on the borders of Iraq in retaliation for-- wait one second! This cannot be! Is it possible that the honorable WFB has forgotten something that occurred no more than 2 years ago? Certainly the invasion of Iraq was not an "initiation of national aggression"? Saddam Hussein most certainly did attack the United States, did he not?
I know! The confusion must be a semantic. Let us clarify the meaning of "initiate" and "aggression".
1. To set going by taking the first step; begin
1. The act of initiating hostilities or invasion.
2. The practice or habit of launching attacks.
But of course, the U.S.'s attack on Iraq was preemptive, it was not a true initiation of an attack! Wait one second, what does "preemptive" mean?
Undertaken or initiated to deter or prevent an anticipated, usually unpleasant situation or occurrence.
Oh damn, it seems preemptive invasions would indeed fall under the category of initiation of aggression. But of course that is only if you concede that words have meaning.
So, after all, the United States did in fact "initiate national aggression" against Iraq in 2003. William F. Buckley, Jr. must then be the most ridiculously dishonest or absurdly ignorant person ever. And by the way, I did some more research, and Nazi Germany did in fact "initiate national aggression". It was in some little-known engagement nerdy know-it-all military historians call WORLD WAR II.
I am now taking donations to raise enough money to buy William F. Buckley Jr. and the rest of the staff of National Review a couple high school history books and/or plane tickets to secluded locations abroad where they can hide from their shame.
Once again I stand in wonder at the amazing feats of the intellect of which only neocons are capable. Denying the absurdly obvious for political gain isn't easy, but it sure is fun!