Today I would like to announce my support of Michael Badnarik & Richard Campagna (Website) of the American Libertarian Party (Website) in the coming Presidential election. (Why to Vote for Badnarik)
I have given great consideration to the different policies of the Democratic, Republican, and other "3rd party" candidates, and I have found that no other party's policies agree to any substantial degree with my political views. I have also pondered the implications of voting for a "3rd party" that is unlikely to win, but I have come to the conclusion that I cannot and will not in any way support or endorse the policies of the Democratic or Republican parties, whose policies I see as greatly detrimental to our civil rights, economic well-being, and national security.
Here is a rundown of those policies that make it impossible for me to vote for a Republican or Democratic candidate, followed by my personal opinion on the matter:
Republicans and Democrats have both shown strong tendencies towards out-of-control spending (the former on defense, the latter on social programs). In addition, neither party has shown real dedication to lowering taxes substantially for all income levels. I believe that the best government is that which governs least, and that taxation should be primarily by state and local governments for roads, police, etc. I recognize the necessity of adequate defense and intelligence spending, however I believe that these necessities only make up a small percentage of federal spending, most of which is unnecessary and contrary to the principles of limited government upon which our nation was founded.
Both George W. Bush and John Kerry have stated their support of unilateral, pre-emptive attacks on sovereign nations, and neither has held a strong position against the war in Iraq. Both have also stated that the "War on Terror" should be executed overseas in an aggressive fashion. I strongly condemn any pre-emptive attack on any sovereign nation, most especially when such an attack has been widely condemned by other nations. This barbaric practice serves only to test and injure U.S. alliances, and goes against hundreds of years of human advancement and civilization that has worked to ensure peace and restrict the nature of war.
George W. Bush has either a) intentionally misled the public regarding the war in Iraq, or b) shown his incompetence by commiting our nation to war based on fabrications, lies, and extravagant false claims while ignoring overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Either of these options, in my opinion, make him unelectable.
John Kerry has shown his support for the Clintonian "mother-state" which seeks to regulate and control the lives of American citizens, strip them of their earnings to fund inefficient unnecessary federal programs, all while attempting to establish a massive, overwhelming semi-socialist governmental structure. This alone, in my opinion, makes John Kerry unelectable.
In addition, both John Kerry and George W. Bush have accelerated a process which has eaten away at the civil liberties of American citizens. Namely, they both supported legislation (The USA PATRIOT Act) which violates Constitutional provisions against unreasonable search and seizure and circumvents judicial oversight in the form of warrants in a number of cases. This legislation has also established a precedent of government surveillance of its citizens that goes beyond reasonable defensive necessity, among other violations omitted here.
President George W. Bush has defied Constitutional provision by detaining 2 American citizens without trial or presentation of evidence. This practice was condemned and stopped by the Supreme Court, however the President, who is sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution, has seen no consequence for this wanton, unexcusable act.
The conclusion I have come to is that Michael Badnarik has shown a greater intention and capacity to uphold the Constitution and the principles upon which our nation was founded than either of the candidates in the upcoming election. Because of this, I endorse him as the official ODHAVBLOG Presidential candidate for the 2004 election.