The Barbarian and the Plutocrat
It seems the bastardized public mockery that passes for democracy in this country has brought us to a new low. Not only has the blatant fiscal irresponsibility (a la George W. Bush) of Californian Gray Davis brought the masses clamoring for his head on a platter (figuratively speaking), but now the same ignorant masses might actually elect someone who has absolutely no clue what they are doing (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to replace him. Of course, in the public eye, this minor detail (complete incompetence) is overcome easily by the fact that Ah-nold has recruited elitist plutocrat extraordinaire and generally worthless human being Warren Buffett to run the show for him as his economic advisor. Nevermind that Buffett is a very, very evil man. What the people want is complete failure, remedied by more failure. But alas, the day of true democracy is gone. Some people (Californians) seem not to understand the idea behind government -- it's to appoint people who know what they are doing so that they can do what they're supposed to do. By far the most disturbing aspect of this whole atrocity is that it finally proves once and for all that money is what truly elects public officials in our nation. People do not vote for policies, for competence, or for anything that would reflect and understanding of government. They vote for names. They vote for whatever they have seen on the most walls, in the most commercials, etc. Arnold's only redeeming quality is that he isn't a political insider, and his presence could possibly do something to, as he states it, "return California to the people." Although this tiny plus is definitely more than cancelled out by the inevitable damage he will cause by his mere presence. California, God have mercy on your soul.
Having said that, I would now like to announce my backing of Gary Coleman as the new governor of California.

Tired of the same old full-size white guy governors? Vote Coleman.
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